
Serving Localhost to the Web with Reverse Ssh Tunnels

2 minute read Published:

So, you have a webpage on your computer you want to show to a remote person?
Note: If you don’t have a server already, check my last tip. This topic is always a little tricky, so, here’s the basic thing to know, as this is the most frequent use case. Suppose you have a development rails server running on your local computer. You can access this server via curl http://localhost:3000. Which is to say, it’s running on your localhost, on port 3000. You want your client to see it, to give you feedback, but they’re nowhere near you, and you just want a quick way to show it to them.

Saving Time With Tmux

3 minute read Published:

How I use tmux in my workflow to make my life better.
What is a terminal multiplexer, and why do I care? When you split up a terminal screen into sub-terminals, that’s called terminal multiplexing. This is nothing new, GNU Screen has been around since 1987. Tmux is just screen’s younger, nubile cousin. I’m about to explain how this simple technology can: Keep you organized. Lower the bar to get to work. Save you time. Enable teamwork. Here’s a quick demonstration:

What Process Is Hogging My Port On Mac Os

1 minute read Published:

Address already in use Damn. Did I leave a server running somewhere? Sometimes you’re not sure where you left a server running, or where something is running you never knew about. I’m finally writing this down, as I always have to look it up. I found this solution in a StackOverflow post. Here’s how to get all of the processes by what port they’re using. sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -n -P As A Shell Function Looking at it, I realized I would never remember it, given how infrequently I need it.